The Reverend W. Shepley Curtis
Weekly Service:
- Holy Eucharist -- Sunday 9:00 am
- Sunday School -- Sunday 9:00 am
- ( Preschool through High School)
- Bible Study -- Wednesday 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
- (Soup Supper Provided)
Welcome to the official website for Coventry Cross Episcopal Church, a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada. Serving the communities of Douglas County, Nevada , for over 55 years, the church currently comprises more than 20 families.
We seek to serve God in our community and the world, serving out of love for Jesus Christ. We contribute as a church and as individuals to the Carson Valley Food Closet on a regular basis, and regularly support other community organizations. We contribute to ERD (Episcopal Relief and Development) to help support relief during disasters such as the current crisis in Haiti, and we contribute to Heifer International on an annual basis, "buying animals" to help people begin to have a better life. Our Sunday School sponsors a child through Children International, and has for over 20 years.
If you enjoy a traditional service with traditional liturgy and music, this is the church for you. Although current members are mostly senior citizens, we are seeking younger families and singles. We have a Sunday School program similar to an old-fashioned one-room schoolhouse, with all ages in one classroom. Our music is old-fashioned also, with music from the Hymnal played on an instrument that sounds either like a piano or organ.
Although we are small in number, we are large in spirit.
Upcoming Events
Snowman Pot-Luck Dinner
Sunday Jan. 31st, After Service
(Ham provided by the women's
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
(includes pancakes and sausage
-- men cooking)
Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday, Feb. 17th 7:00pm
Saturday Feb. 6, 2009 10:00am