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Arrow of Light Badge Requirement
- Be active in your Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade (or for at least six months since becoming 10 years old), and earn the Webelos badge.
- Show your knowledge of the requirements to become a Boy Scout by doing all of these:
- Repeat from memory and explain in your own words the Scout Oath or Promise and the 12 points of the Scout Law. Tell how you have practiced them in your everyday life.
- Give and explain the Scout motto, slogan, sign, salute, and handshake.
- Understand the significance of the First Class Scout badge. Describe its parts and tell what each stands for.
- Tell how a Boy Scout uniform is different from a Webelos Scout uniform.
- Tie the joining knot (square knot).
- Earn five more activity badges in addition to the three you already earned for the Webelos badge. These must include:
- Fitness(already earned for the Webelos badge)
- Citizen (already earned for the Webelos badge)
- Readyman
- Outdoorsman
- At least one from the Mental Skills Group
- At least one from the Technology Group
- One more of your choice.
- (Plus the one other badge of your choice that was already earned for the Webelos badge)
See page 74 for the activity badge groups.
- With your Webelos den, visit at least
- one Boy Scout troop meeting, and
- one Boy Scout-oriented outdoor activity.
(If you have already done this when you earned your Outdoorsman activity badge, you may not use it to fulfill requirements for your Arrow of Light Award requirements.)
- Participate in a Webelos overnight campout or day hike.
(If you have already done this when you earned your Outdoorsman activity badge, you may not use it to fulfill requirements for your Arrow of Light Award requirements.)
- After you have completed all five of the above requirements, and after a talk with your Webelos den leader, arrange to visit, with your parent or guardian, a meeting of a Boy Scout troop you think you might like to join. Have a conference with the Scoutmaster.
- Complete the Honesty Character Connection.
Know: Say the Cub Scout Promise to your family. Discuss these questions with them. What is a promise? What does it mean to keep your word? What does it mean to be trustworthy? What does honesty mean?
Commit: Discuss these questions with your family. Why is a promise important? Why is it important for people to trust you when you give your word? When might it be difficult to be truthful? List examples.
Practice: Discuss with a family member why it is important to be trustworthy and honest. How can you do your best to be honest even when it is difficult?
Click here to see the Difference Between Webelos and Boy Scouts