Badges and Awards
The Cub Scout Program has two basic features, Rank Advancement (the cubs earn badges and awards), and the Academics and Sports Program (the cubs earn belt loops). The first badge all Cub Scouts earn, regardless of age, is the Bobcat Badge. After earning the Bobcat Badge, they proceed to work on advancement specific to their age level. As part of these requirements, they must learn the Cub Scout Promise, the Law of the Pack, and the Cub Scout Motto.Cub Scouts joining as First Grade boys enter the Tiger Cub Program. Tiger Cubs, complete Achievements to earn the Tiger Cub Badge, and complete Electives to receive Tiger Track Beads to wear on the left pocket (see right).
In the Second Grade, Cub Scouts work toward the Wolf Badge, then toward a Gold Arrow Point and one or more Silver Arrow Points (see right). The requirements for these badges are found in the Wolf Cub Scout Book.
In the Third Grade, Cub Scouts work toward the Bear Badge, then they, too, work toward earning a Gold Arrow Point and Silver Arrow Points. The requirements for these badges are found in the Bear Cub Scout Book.
The Webelos Program is a two year program for Fourth and Fifth Grade Boys. In both years, they work toward earning Webelos Activity Badges in twenty different areas, arranged in five groups. Fourth Grade Boys work toward the Webelos Badge. After earning the Webelos Badge. Fifth Graders, after earning the Webelos Badge, earn the Arrow of Light. In addition to the two rank badges, after earning the Webelos Badge, boys work toward the Compass Point Emblem and Metal Compass Points as they earn additional Activity Badges.
The Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light rank requirements could be searched from the top menu bar, and the requirements for the Beltloops and Webelos Activity Badges are listed thrugh the left menu bar. You couls also use the links below to see the requirements.
1. Bobcat Badge
2. Tiger Badge
3. Wolf Badge
4. Bear Badge
- Physical skills
- Community
- Outdoor
- Mental Skills
- Technology
As a Cub Scout or Webelos Scout, you can also earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award, and a Leave No Trace Awareness patch (see right).
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts can also earn a series of Religious Emblems awarded by a number of religious organizations. The age and rank requirements vary. In addition, they may earn a series of Cub Scout Academics and Sports Belt Loops and Pins
Cub Scouts may also earn a number of other Special Awards and Emblems, which are also available to Boy Scouts