Cub Scout Group Games
Action, competition, and rough play are what boys are about but there are times when a more quiet large group game may be needed. Whether you have an entire forest or a small room, find ideas here to use in your scouting program. We've included our favorites for you to try. Remember, Scouting is a group game with a Purpose, with playing and learning happening all the time.Choose your scout group to see a list of games just for them, or search for a specific type or name.
Please check out this website for more games:
Airplane Race Game
This Game is meant for Cub Scouts. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not. |
Required: | sheets of paper |
Instructions: | Each scout makes a paper airplane. When all are ready, they line up at the start line. On 'GO', everyone throws airplane toward the goal line. Each scout runs to his plane, picks it up, and throws it again from the spot where it landed. First one across the goal line, wins. Can play as a relay between patrols. After a couple races, it should be evident which airplane design goes farthest, fastest, and straightest. You could allow a redesign break to make new airplanes and race again. |
Balance Relay Game
This Game is meant for Cub Scouts. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not. |
Required: | paper bag for each team filled with miscellaneous things to balance on your hand |
Instructions: | Place one of each item into each paper bag. Give one bag to each team. Patrols line up at start line with cone or marker about 40 feet away. First person of each patrol reaches into his bag and pulls out an item. He balances this on the back of one hand and races to the end of the play area and back to tag the next scout. Repeat until all items in the bag are gone. A player can not touch the item with his other hand. If the item is dropped, the scout either starts over at the beginning or picks it up where it dropped - you decide beforehand. Sample items to include:
Balloon Hanging Game
Required: | lots of balloons |
Notes: | A fun, active game to play indoors. Now that you have all these balloons blown up, follow this with another balloon game such as Balloon Symphony, Balloon Artists, Balloon Bed, Balloon Juggling, and finally Balloon Stomp. |
Instructions: | Pile all the deflated balloons in the center of the room. Assign each patrol a section of wall as their own. On 'Go' signal, members of each patrol grab a balloon, blow it up, rub it on their hair or clothes, and stick it to their wall. At the time limit, stop play and count which patrol has the most balloons on their wall - the winner! |
Candy Dice Game
Required: | lots of m&ms or other small candies one dice |
Notes: | This is a simple filler game with no skill required |
Instructions: | Break into groups of 4 to 8 players, sitting in a circle. In the center of the circle put a pile of candies. One player rolls the dice. If it is a 6, he gets a candy. The dice passes to his right. As each scout rolls, if it is not a 6, the last scout that rolled a 6 gets another piece of candy. If it IS a 6, he gets a candy and becomes the 'candy collector' until someone else gets a 6. |
Duck, Duck, Goose Game
This Game is meant for Cub Scouts. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not. |
Notes: | In Minnesota, it is called Duck, Duck, Grey Duck |
Instructions: | Scouts sit cross-legged in a circle facing inward. One scout walks around the outside of the circle, patting each scout in turn and saying, 'Duck'. When he pats someone on the head and says 'Goose' instead of 'Duck', that scout must jump up and chase him all the way around the circle back to the hole where he was sitting. If the chaser tags him before he reaches the hole, the chaser gets to sit down. Otherwise, he walks the circle saying Duck, Duck, Goose. This game goes on forever until scouts tire of it. It's good for a filler as scouts arrive. |
Flip the Penny Game
Required: | a penny a tennis ball or small rubber ball |
Instructions: | Place penny on the ground. Two scouts face each other, each about 3 or 4 feet from the penny. Scouts take turns throwing ball at the penny. Each hit on the penny is worth 1 point. Flipping the penny from heads to tails or tails to heads is worth 3 points. First scout to 15 or whatever score you choose is the winner. |
Hoop on a Loop Game
Required: | hula hoop or 8 foot length of rope tied in a circle for each patrol |
Notes: | You may even up the number of scouts in each patrol to make the game fair. |
Instructions: | Each patrol stands in a circle, facing inward. The hoop is hung on one scout's arm. Each scout in a patrol hold hands with his neighbors so the circle is complete and the hoop is hanging. On 'GO', each patrol moves the hoop around their circle from scout to scout without letting go of hands. First patrol to finish 2 or 3 laps wins. |
Nature Sketch Hunt Game
This Game is meant for Tiger scouts, Wolf scouts. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not. |
Required: | paper and pencil for each scout |
Instructions: | This nature scavenger hunt has scouts sketch pictures of what they find. Best played at a park or other open or wooded area. Set a 5 or 10 minute limit. Give the scouts a list of things to find and have them draw each item as they find it. For example:
Photo Memory Game
Required: | close-up photos of items or scenes around the meeting place. |
Preparation: | Take photos of objects around the location where your troop meets - the front door, a lightpost, the clock, the rug, a mailbox, a big rock, ... Make a slideshow of these photos, OR if you use a digital camera, and have a laptop and projector, you can project on a wall. |
Instructions: | Dim the lights and show the first photo. If a scout believes he can identify the object, he raises his hand or stands up. The leader calls on him to identify it. If correct, his patrol gets 2 points. If incorrect, his patrol loses 1 point. If a scout shouts out the answer before being called on, no penalty but no points awarded and the scout that is called on just gets a free clue thanks to the out-of-turn scout. Patrol with the most points accumulated wins. |
Water Brigade Game
This Game is meant for Boy Scouts. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not. |
Required: | 2 gallon or 1/2 gallon milk jugs per patrol. 1 paper cup per scout. |
Preparation: | Fill one jug with water for each patrol. |
Notes: | teamwork |
Instructions: | Patrols line up. Full jug is given to patrol leader. Empty jug is given to last scout in line. On signal, each patrol leader fills his glass, then empties it into the next scout's cup. Repeat down the line to fill up the jug as fast as possible without spilling too much water. |