The Webelos Activities
As a Cub Scout, you have a chance to earn four badges -
Tiger Cub, Bobcat, Wolf, and Bear. A Cub may also have gotten some arrow points and Progress Toward Ranks beads.
But in Webelos Scouting, a Webelos Scout can earn 22 badges! First, there are 20 activity badges. A Webelos Scout can earn all 20 or as many as he likes. To assist the Webelos Scout along the road towards earning his Activity Badges, the Compass Points emblem is awarded as an incentive (see right).
Activity badges are metal emblems that are pinned on the Webelos cap or "Webelos colors". A Webelos Scout can earn them by completing the requirements during den meetings and at home.
The twenty Activity Badges are divided into five groups of four activities each. The Groups and Activities are illustrated in the menu below.
Source: The virtual cub leader's handbook ""