Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Cub Scouting?
Cub Scouting means "doing." You have lots to do as a Cub Scout—crafts, games, sports, songs, stories, and puzzles, to name a few things. Much of the fun happens right in the den and pack. The den usually meets every week, and the pack meets once a month all year long. At den meetings and pack meetings, Cub Scouts do different things for fun and learning. Cub Scouts also go to events like the annual blue and gold banquet, field contests, and derbies such as the pinewood derby. They go on field trips. They go camping and have other kinds of outdoor adventures. They take part in community events. Cub Scouts do all sorts of exciting stuff! Whatever it is that you enjoy, you'll have a chance to do it in Cub Scouting.
2. What are the achievements and awards in Cub Scouting?
While you're having fun, you'll also be earning badges and awards. You'll work on projects with your parents or other adults in your family, and all of you will feel good about the things you accomplish. When you have earned a badge, you and an adult member of your family take part in a ceremony. The badge is given to the adult, and he or she then gives it to you in front of the whole pack. This is a way of saying "thank you" to your family for their help in earning your award. The most popular awards for Cub Scouts are the advancement awards. Boys do requirements to advance and earn their badges of rank: Tiger Cub, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and the Arrow of Light Award. The Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouting. Webelos Scouts also earn activity badges. The Cub Scout Academics and Sports program is popular, too. Cub Scouts get to learn about favorite subjects such as art, math, science, and citizenship. Or they play individual and team sports such as archery, gymnastics, skating, or soccer. You don't need to be a star athlete to play Cub Scout Sports. You're a winner when you do your best. Cub Scouts can earn many other awards and medals too, sometimes by themselves and sometimes as members of their pack. They can earn or help their pack earn Quality Unit awards, religious emblems, the Emergency Preparedness Award, the Outdoor Activity Award, or the World Conservation Award. When you earn an award in Cub Scouting, you learn new skills. You also get to use your new skills and your new knowledge in projects and demonstrations. You show what you know. People get to see what you've learned as a Cub Scout.
3. How a pack is organized?
Every Cub Scout is a member of a Cub Scout pack. A pack is a large group of boys. The pack is divided into smaller groups called dens. Each den has about six to eight boys. All of the Cub Scouts in a den are about the same age and live in the same neighborhood. The Cub Scout pack belongs to a church, a school, or some other group of people in your community or neighborhood. This group makes sure your pack has good adult leaders, a place to meet, and exciting things to do. The group gets help from the Boy Scouts of America, which is part of Scouting around the world.
Our Pack 371 is for cubs from Stratford Grades 1-5.
4. Are Cub Scout the same as Boy Scouts?
Cub Scouting is a program of the Boy Scouts of America—so in that sense, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are both members of the same organization. However, they are entirely different programs: Cub Scouting is a family-oriented program designed specifically to address the needs of younger boys.
5. What is the goal of Cub Scouting?
Cub Scouting is part of the worldwide Scouting movement and aims to promote character development, citizenship training, leadership skills, and personal fitness in young boys age 7-10.
6. How much do I need to be involved as a parent?
Cub scouting is family oriented. All parents are welcome and encouraged to volunteer at varies levels of roles.
7. How old (or young) can a boy be to join Cub Scouting?
Cub Scouting is for boys in the first through fifth grades, or 7 to 10 years of age. Boys who are older than 10, or who have completed the fifth grade, can no longer join Cub Scouting, but they may be eligible to join the Boy Scouting or Venturing program.
8. Tell me about Stratford Los Gatos Pack 371.
Currently we have over 20 families. Pack 371 is chartered by Santa Clara Council Boy Scout of America. Pack 371 is run by volunteer parents to fulfill various roles and responsibilities to ensure the boys to fulfill their requirements to advance to the next level. Our pack have 5 dens -- which consist of Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos I and webelos II which corresponding to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grader boys.
9. What are the Stratford Pack 371 regular activities?
Usually we (as a pack) meet once a month for a meeting. The activities usually include flag ceremony, games and snacks. The meeting usually runs about an hour by volunteers.
10. What are some special pack activities?
The most exciting special events are Recruiting Night in September, Popcorn Sales in October, Los Gatos Children's Holiday Parade in December, Pinewood Derby in January, Blue and Gold Dinner in either February or March and Family Camping Trip the first weekend of June.
11. What supplies and equipment are required to participate in Cub Scouting?
At minimum, each boy in Cub Scouting will need a uniform and a handbook. Each year, the handbook changes, as does the cap and neckerchief, but other uniform parts remain the same for at least the first three years. When a boy enters a Webelos den, he may need to obtain a new uniform if the parents in the den opt for the khaki-and-olive uniform. Additional supplies and equipment may be needed for certain activities such as camping trips or field days. What equipment is needed, as well as whether it will be provided by the unit, will vary from pack to pack. Den and pack leaders should provide parents with information about any supplies that will be required at the beginning of each program year.
Where to buy the uniforms etc. ?
The scout shop at the Santa Clara Council Boy Scout of America carries most of the supplies you need from uniforms, handbooks to camping Gears. Check here for address and hours.
13. What is a den and how often does it meet for Pack 371?
A den is an unit under a pack. It usually consist 6-8 boys of the same age (grade). For first graders, it is called Tiger Den; for second graders, it is called Wolf den; for third graders, it is called bear den; for fourth graders, Webelos I and fifth graders Webelos II. Each den usually meets 2-3 times a months, doing activities suggested by the handbooks.
14. What is the cost of joining cub scouting?
The cost is minimum. The membership fee is $10 per cub. There is subscription fee to scouting magazine "Boy's Life", which is about another $10/year.
15. What are the Santa Clara Council programs?
The Santa Clara County Council is committed to providing programs and facilities that support the year-round activities of Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, and Venturing Crews. These programs can provide our youth members, their families and unit leaders with their most memorable Scouting experiences. The many programs and opportunities offered at Camp Chesebrough and Camp Hi-Sierra provide a variety of experiences to a diverse population. Activities include Day Camp, Family Camp, the Coyote Creek Cycling Classic and Scout-O-Rama. Vast training opportunities exist for leaders of all levels who want to insure they provide a quality program for their units' youth.
Can you join Cub Scouting at any age (between 7-10)?
Yes. You may join Cub Scouting at any age, you do not need to start at 7 (or as a first grader). However, this is recommended so the boys get use to the routings of scouting earlier.
17. If a boy joins a Bear den, may he go back and earn the tiger Cub and Wolf badges?
No. In the Cub Scout program, all boys in a den work toward the same badge. If a boy joins Cub Scouting as a 9-year-old, he must earn the Bobcat badge (all boys in Cub Scouting earn this badge), and then he will begin working on the Bear badge with his fellow Cub Scouts. He is not required to have earned the Tiger Cub or Wolf badges. Since those badges are for younger boys (7- and 8-year-olds), the requirements for those badges are below a 9-year-old's current level of ability, so "going back" to pick up those badges is not permitted.
18. If a boy completes the Wolf badges early, may he begin working on the Bear badge?
No. In the Cub Scout program, all boys in a den work toward a badge that is geared to their level of development. If the Wolf badge is completed before the end of the program year, a boy may work on electives to earn Arrow Points, but he may not begin working on the requirements for the Bear badge. His work on the Bear badge will begin the next program year, when he graduates into a Bear den.